The Summer Workshop for Experimentation and Thought is a graphic design workshop designed to give participants the opportunity to collaborate, create compelling, poignant work, and engage in some summer fun. And, as with all hard work, a little SWEAT is required. During the summer workshop, participants are introduced to an overall design objective where creative collaboration determines how the project will be completed. Workshop outcomes typically include two formal outputs of design making, from books, videos, murals to exhibitions.


Amy Fidler and Jenn Stucker are full-time faculty members in the Graphic Design Division at Bowling Green State University, and practicing designers in their studios, Fidler Design and SiSU Design. Amy is the founding president and current education chair of the AIGA Toledo Chapter, and received her MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Jenn is the founding vice president and current community outreach chair of the AIGA Toledo Chapter and received her MFA from Eastern Michigan University. Together their work has been recognized in numerous publications and books on design and they have presented their ideas on collaboration and pedagogy at several conferences across the country.